パスワード | M-P-C "Mentality, Physicality, Computer" |
OCEAN | M-P-C "Mentality, Physicality, Computer" |
耐え难くも甘い季节 | shipbuilding |
乳房の勾配 | 乳房の勾配 |
枫 | Keiichi Tomita WORKS BEST ~beautiful songs to remember~ |
WILL | Keiichi Tomita WORKS BEST ~beautiful songs to remember~ |
エトワール | Shipahead |
夜汽車 | 夜汽車 |
眠りの森 (bonus track) | hana-uta |
Introduction | M-P-C "Mentality, Physicality, Computer" |
眠りの森 | Keiichi Tomita WORKS BEST ~beautiful songs to remember~ |
香りと影 | shipbuilding |
緩やかな毒 | M-P-C "Mentality, Physicality, Computer" |
Ring | Keiichi Tomita WORKS BEST ~beautiful songs to remember~ |
ONE | Keiichi Tomita WORKS BEST ~beautiful songs to remember~ |
ずっと読みかけの夏 | Keiichi Tomita WORKS BEST ~beautiful songs to remember~ |
PHARMACY | Keiichi Tomita WORKS BEST ~beautiful songs to remember~ |
Get up! Do the right! | Keiichi Tomita WORKS BEST ~beautiful songs to remember~ |
landed one | Keiichi Tomita WORKS BEST ~beautiful songs to remember~ |
Holy Taint [original demo] | Keiichi Tomita WORKS BEST ~beautiful songs to remember~ |
here it comes | Keiichi Tomita WORKS BEST ~beautiful songs to remember~ |
パラレル [original demo] | Keiichi Tomita WORKS BEST ~beautiful songs to remember~ |