Frank Glazer的歌曲列表
Heures séculaires et instantanées (Long and Short Hours)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Trois morceaux en forme de poire (Three Pear Shaped Pieces): I. Manière de commencement (Beginning Manner)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Trois morceaux en forme de poire (Three Pear Shaped Pieces): II. Prolongement du même (Prolongation of the Same)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Trois morceaux en forme de poire (Three Pear Shaped Pieces): III. Lentement (Slowly)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Trois morceaux en forme de poire (Three Pear Shaped Pieces): IV. Enlevé - De moitié - Premier tempo (Removed - Half - First Tempo)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Trois morceaux en forme de poire (Three Pear Shaped Pieces): V. Brutal - Modéré - Au temps (Brutally - Moderately - In tempo)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Trois morceaux en forme de poire (Three Pear Shaped Pieces): VI. En plus - calme (Moreover - Calm)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Trois morceaux en forme de poire (Three Pear Shaped Pieces): VII. Redite - Dans le lent (Repetition - Slower)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Menus propos enfantinsSatie: The Essential Piano Works
Choses vues à droite et à gauche, sans lunettes (Things Seen to the Right and to the Left, Without Glasses): I. Choral hypocrite (Hypocritical Chorale)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Deux Piéces froides (Two Chilly Pieces): II. Danses de travers (Traverse Dances)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Deux Piéces froides (Two Chilly Pieces): I. Airs à faire fuir (Songs to make People Flee)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Prélude en tapisserie (Prelude to a Tapestry)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Choses vues à droite et à gauche, sans lunettes (Things Seen to the Right and to the Left, Without Glasses): II. Fugue à tâtons (Blind Fugue)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Choses vues à droite et à gauche, sans lunettes (Things Seen to the Right and to the Left, Without Glasses): III. Fantaisie musculaire (Muscular Fantasy)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Tendrement (Tenderly)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Sonatine bureaucratiqueSatie: The Essential Piano Works
Je te veux (I Want You)Satie: The Essential Piano Works
Sextet for piano, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and horn: Allegro vivace - Tres' vite et emportéPoulenc: Sextet for Piano and Wind Quintet, Op. 100 - Riegger: Concerto for Piano and Woodwind Quintet, Op. 53 (Remastered)
Sextet for piano, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and horn: Finale: PrestissimoPoulenc: Sextet for Piano and Wind Quintet, Op. 100 - Riegger: Concerto for Piano and Woodwind Quintet, Op. 53 (Remastered)
Sextet for piano, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and horn: Divertissement: AndatinoPoulenc: Sextet for Piano and Wind Quintet, Op. 100 - Riegger: Concerto for Piano and Woodwind Quintet, Op. 53 (Remastered)
3 Grossniennes: No. 1The Worlds Greatest Classical Chillout - The Only Classical Chillout Album You'll Ever Need (Digital Chilled Version)
Largo for Violin and PianoThe Ives Playlist
Largo for Clarinet, Violin and PianoThe Ives Playlist