Erik Satie的歌曲列表
La Wally: "Ebben? Ne andro lontana" (Wally)Back To Work Classical Music
La Gioconda, Act IV, Scene 2: "Suicidio!" (Gioconda)Back To Work Classical Music
Mefistofele, Act III, Scene 1: "L'antra notte in fondo al mare" (Elena)Back To Work Classical Music
Don Carlos, Act IV, Scene 2: "Tu che le vanità" (Elisabetta di Valois)Back To Work Classical Music
Aïda, Act IV, Scene 2: "Qui Radames verra" (Aïda)Back To Work Classical Music
La Forza Del Destino, Act III, Scene 1: "Pace, pace mio Dio" (Leonora)Back To Work Classical Music
Trois Gymnopédies: No. 1, Lent et douloureuxBack To Work Classical Music
Trois Gymnopédies: No. 2, Lent et tristeBack To Work Classical Music
Trois Gymnopédies: No. 3, Lent et graveBack To Work Classical Music
Premiere Ogive (Original Mix)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie
Deuxieme Ogive (Original Mix)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie
Troisieme Ogive (Original Mix)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie
Quatrieme Ogive (Original Mix)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie
Premiere Sarabande (Original Mix)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie
Deuxieme Sarabande (Original Mix)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie
Troisieme Sarabande (Original Mix)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie
Premiere Gymnopedie (Original Mix)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie
Deuxieme Gymnopedie (Original Mix)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie
Troisieme Gymnopedie (Original Mix)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie
Premiere Gnossienne (Original Mix)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie
Deuxieme Gnossienne (Original Mix)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie
Troisieme Gnossienne (Original Mix)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie
La Vocation (Prelude)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie
L'Initiation (Prelude)Le Jazz d'Erik Satie