AngerCatalysed Reactions
Life Is PainStay Focussed
It's All MusicBio Acoustic Warfare
Chemical ImplantBio Acoustic Warfare
Drunk With RevengeBio Acoustic Warfare
The Core (Promo & Catscan Remix)Bio Acoustic Warfare
We Are the Future (Remix)SIN 12
LamagraSIN 12
Back from the DeadSIN 12
DemonsworldSIN 10
Failure (Meagashira Remix)SIN 10
Final BattleSIN 10
The CoreSIN 10
We Are the FutureSIN 10
Judge of Darkness (Evil Activities Remix)SIN 10
Mind and Body As OneSIN 10
Back from the DeadSIN 10
Perforated TongueSIN 10
Cry of DistressSIN 10
Failure (Meagashira Remix)Demonsworld
Final BattleDemonsworld
The CoreDemonsworld