ReptilianWavematters - EP
It's Just Another Acid SongSandoz Laboratories
TransmutationThe Mutate
1st DropSandoz Laboratories
Onboard RadarGet High - Single
Unreality (Tera Remix)The Mutate
Getting HighGet High - Single
Freneticspace7th Prophecy - Complied By Hyper Noise 2012
Turn Inside Your Mind (Original Mix)Blackliters
Mindwalkers (Original Mix)Good Vibes Connection
The Goal of This Trip (Original Mix)Spacetime Boulevard - Stop One
Mindwalkers (Original Mix)Blacklite Records 10 Years Anniversary, Vol. 2
Lick the Future (Original Mix)5 Years of Blacklite Records
Astronauts Shift (Original Mix)Blacklite Records 10 Years Anniversary, Vol. 4
Lick the Future (Original Mix)Blacklite Records 10 Years Anniversary, Vol. 2
Mindwalkers (Original Mix)Blacklite Records 10 Years Anniversary, Vol. 3
Crop Circles (Original Mix)Blacklite Records 10 Years Anniversary, Vol. 3
8 Degrees (Original Mix)Mutated Frequencies
Kind of EvolutionNatural Evolution
Beyond of UniverseGoa Moon Vol 3 by Ovnimoon & Dr. Spook
Beyond of UniverseGoa Moon Vol 3 V/A by Ovnimoon & Dr. Spook (Best of Goa, Progressive Psy, Fullon Psy, Psychedelic Trance)
Loud PressureGoaTrance: PsyStoned v3 (Compiled by EL-Jay) (Album Mix)
Beyond UniverseEarthspace - Beyond Universe EP
How to Blow Your MindEarthspace - Beyond Universe EP