David Wright的歌曲列表
To Touch the SkyThe Hypnosis Concert
Walking with GhostsSines of Life, Vol. 2
The SearchThe Hypnosis Concert
Crystal CloudsSines of Life, Vol. 2
EmbersThe Hypnosis Concert
Lord of IllusionThe Hypnosis Concert
Passing ThroughSines of Life, Vol. 2
The Science of ConsciousnessConnected
Dark SkiesThe Hypnosis Concert
Sygyzy - full length versionThe Hypnosis Concert
Night FallsThe Hypnosis Concert
Beyond the DreamThe Hypnosis Concert
Confusing AmbiguityConnected
Lord of LightThe Hypnosis Concert
The Threshold of PerceptionConnected
Social ContagionConnected
The World is ThusThe Hypnosis Concert
SojournThe Hypnosis Concert
Sensory PerceptionConnected
Invisible WebsConnected
Constant PerceptionsConnected
Sensory OverloadConnected
MysticThe Hypnosis Concert
Into the VoidConnected