Curtis Fuller的歌曲列表
Here's To My LadyThe Opener
Five Spot After DarkEast Coast Jazz
Darryl's MinorImages of Curtis Fuller
Heart And SoulEssential Jazz Masters
A Lovely Way To Spend An EveningEssential Jazz Masters
CashmereEssential Jazz Masters
Stormy WeatherCurtis Fuller with Red Garland
Down HomeDown Home
Ladies NightDown Home
C Hip's BluesDown Home
Namely YouNew Trombone
Vonce #5New Trombone
Transportation BluesNew Trombone
The CourtBoss of the Soul-Stream Trombone
CashmereCurtis Fuller with Red Garland
FlutieBoss of the Soul-Stream Trombone
Blue LawsonNew Trombone
If I Were a BellBoss of the Soul-Stream Trombone
Sadness and SoulDown Home
Moonlight Becomes YouCurtis Fuller with Red Garland
Seeing RedCurtis Fuller with Red Garland
What Is This Thing Called Love?New Trombone
But BeautifulBoss of the Soul-Stream Trombone