Curtis Fuller的歌曲列表
Club CarExpanse
Here's To My LadyThe Opener
Five Spot After DarkEast Coast Jazz
Darryl's MinorImages of Curtis Fuller
Heart And SoulEssential Jazz Masters
A Lovely Way To Spend An EveningEssential Jazz Masters
CashmereEssential Jazz Masters
Stormy WeatherCurtis Fuller with Red Garland
Down HomeDown Home
Ladies NightDown Home
C Hip's BluesDown Home
Namely YouNew Trombone
Vonce #5New Trombone
Transportation BluesNew Trombone
The CourtBoss of the Soul-Stream Trombone
CashmereCurtis Fuller with Red Garland
FlutieBoss of the Soul-Stream Trombone
Blue LawsonNew Trombone
If I Were a BellBoss of the Soul-Stream Trombone
Sadness and SoulDown Home
Moonlight Becomes YouCurtis Fuller with Red Garland
Seeing RedCurtis Fuller with Red Garland
What Is This Thing Called Love?New Trombone