LittyLitty/Sørge For Dig
In Its CornerThe Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
Kleiner TodThe Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
A LightA Light
The Spider in Charlie's BoxThe Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
Petite mortThe Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
The Dead Also WaltzThe Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
Charlie's BridesThe Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
All She WantsThe Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
Open ItThe Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
Sørge For DigLitty/Sørge For Dig
Une autre histoireUne autre histoire
Bloody WorldThe Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
ParashootingThe Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
Charlie Was HereThe Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
Ride the Spider / The DuelThe Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
Because...The Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
Lonely StarThe Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
Into CirclesThe Spider in Charlie's Box (Petite mort)
Venusian VistasPutana Madonna Cristo
Springtime ChandelierUse Your Delusion I
A Breach In The Laws of NaturePutana Madonna Cristo
Krell StrobePutana Madonna Cristo