Cole the VII的歌曲列表
Round HereLover of My Soul
DreamingLover of My Soul
He Is AbleLover of My Soul
Give My AllLover of My Soul
EmotionsIconic 3
The RansomIconic 3
A LotIconic 3
You're BeautifulIconic 3
I'll Never Be the SameIconic 3
Narrow Is the WayNarrow Is the Way
Good TimesGood Times
Christ Chose Me (feat. CCM)Christ Chose Me (feat. CCM)
Christian RapperChristian Rapper
That's JoyThat's Joy
AllProject XII
TodayProject XII
Never FailProject XII
Like YouProject XII
Blessed for RealProject XII
HeartbreakProject XII
Showed Me LoveProject XII
Here I AmProject XII
MemoriesProject XII