Choir Of The Carmelite Priory, London的歌曲列表
Responsories - Tenebrae factae sunt; Jesum tradidit impius sumus; Christus factus est; AlleluiaThe World of Gregorian Chant
Hymns - Creator alme siderum; Iste confessor Domini; Pange lingua gloriosiThe World of Gregorian Chant
Antiphons - Hodie Christus natus est; O Sapientia; In ParadisumThe World of Gregorian Chant
Gospel Tone - Vos estis sal terraeThe World of Gregorian Chant
Laudes seu AcclamationesThe World of Gregorian Chant
Gradual. Flores apparueruntThe World of Gregorian Chant
(A) Alleluia. Justus germinabit (B) Communions. Dicit Dominus. passer invenitThe World of Gregorian Chant
(A) Antiphon. Montes Gilboe. (B) Ave verumThe World of Gregorian Chant
Antiphonal Psalmody. Lumen ad revelationem. Nunc dimittisThe World of Gregorian Chant
Marian Antiphons. Alma Redemptoris. Ave Regina Caelorum. Regina Caeli. Salve ReginaThe World of Gregorian Chant