Charlie Parker All Stars的歌曲列表
Donna LeeMilestones of a Legend Bird 100 Charlie Parker, Vol. 2
Chasin' the BirdMilestones of a Legend Bird 100 Charlie Parker, Vol. 2
BuzzyMilestones of a Legend Bird 100 Charlie Parker, Vol. 2
Another Hair-doMilestones of a Legend Bird 100 Charlie Parker, Vol. 3
Blue BirdMilestones of a Legend Bird 100 Charlie Parker, Vol. 3
KlaunstanceMilestones of a Legend Bird 100 Charlie Parker, Vol. 3
Bird Gets the WormMilestones of a Legend Bird 100 Charlie Parker, Vol. 3
Groovin' HighBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48
Donna LeeThe Best Music Collection of Charles Trenet, Billie Holiday, Josephine Baker, Maurice Chevalier and Othe Famous Artists, Vol. 6 (150 Songs)
CherylThe Best Music Collection of Charles Trenet, Billie Holiday, Josephine Baker, Maurice Chevalier and Othe Famous Artists, Vol. 6 (150 Songs)
Another Hair-DoBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48
BluebirdBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48
KlaunstanceBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48
Bird Gets The WormBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48
ConstellationBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48
Merry-Go-RoundBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48
Ah-Leu-ChaBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48
PerhapsBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48
MarmadukeBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48
SteeplechaseBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48
BarbadosBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48
Donna LeeBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48
Chasin' The BirdBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48
CherylBefore The Cool: The Miles Davis Collection 1945-48