Carl Davis的歌曲列表
Fantasia On British Sea Songs: Jacks The LadBowie at the Proms - Classical Bowie Hits and Last Night at the Proms Favourites
Fantasia On British Sea Songs: Home Sweet HomeBowie at the Proms - Classical Bowie Hits and Last Night at the Proms Favourites
Fantasia On British Sea Songs: Farewell and Adieu Ye Spanish LadiesBowie at the Proms - Classical Bowie Hits and Last Night at the Proms Favourites
Fantasia On British Sea Songs: The Anchors WeighedBowie at the Proms - Classical Bowie Hits and Last Night at the Proms Favourites
Fantasia On British Sea Songs: The Saucy ArenthusaBowie at the Proms - Classical Bowie Hits and Last Night at the Proms Favourites
JerusalemBowie at the Proms - Classical Bowie Hits and Last Night at the Proms Favourites
God Save the QueenBowie at the Proms - Classical Bowie Hits and Last Night at the Proms Favourites
Auld Lang SyneBowie at the Proms - Classical Bowie Hits and Last Night at the Proms Favourites
Pomp and Circumstance March (Remastered)Auld Lang Syne (Remastered)
God Save the Queen (Remastered)Auld Lang Syne (Remastered)
Nimrod (Remastered)Auld Lang Syne (Remastered)
Nimrod (Remastered)British Summer Sport: Going for Gold
Pomp and Circumstance March (Remastered)British Summer Sport: Going for Gold
God Save the Queen (Remastered)British Summer Sport: Going for Gold
Carnival of the Animals:XV. FinaleÀ la française. Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals - Fauré: Pavane - Songs of the Auvergne
Carnival of the Animals:XIV. The Swan - The Spurned HusbandÀ la française. Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals - Fauré: Pavane - Songs of the Auvergne
Carnival of the Animals:XII. Pianists - DisciplinariansÀ la française. Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals - Fauré: Pavane - Songs of the Auvergne
Carnival of the Animals:XI. Aviary of Birds - Modern WomanÀ la française. Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals - Fauré: Pavane - Songs of the Auvergne
Carnival of the Animals:IX. Animals with Long Ears - Sycophants and Junior MinistersÀ la française. Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals - Fauré: Pavane - Songs of the Auvergne
Carnival of the Animals:V. The Tortoise - Aspiring Hot Gossip GirlÀ la française. Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals - Fauré: Pavane - Songs of the Auvergne
Carnival of the Animals:II. The Lion - Elder StatesmenÀ la française. Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals - Fauré: Pavane - Songs of the Auvergne
Carnival of the Animals:I. IntroductionÀ la française. Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals - Fauré: Pavane - Songs of the Auvergne
Carnival of the Animals:X. The Cuckoo - The ArtistÀ la française. Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals - Fauré: Pavane - Songs of the Auvergne
Carnival of the Animals:XIII. Fossils - The Last TribesÀ la française. Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals - Fauré: Pavane - Songs of the Auvergne