Cappella Gedanensis的歌曲列表
In furore justissimae irae, RV 626: Recitativo: Miserationum Pater piissimeViva Vivaldi
Laudate pueri dominum, RV 601 - "Psalm 112": Ut Collocet Emu - AllegroViva Vivaldi
Gloria, RV 589: Qui tollis peccata mundi - AdagioViva Vivaldi
Gloria, RV 589: Propter magnam gloriam - AllegroViva Vivaldi
Gloria, RV 589: Laudamus te - AllegroViva Vivaldi
Der Herr Dein Gott Set Gelobet: XVII. Schluss AriaMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Der Herr Dein Gott Set Gelobet: XII. Recitativo - Con accompagnatoMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Der Herr Dein Gott Set Gelobet: XI. Aria Tutti VivaceMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Der Herr Dein Gott Set Gelobet: X. Recitativo - Con accompagnatoMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Der Herr Dein Gott Set Gelobet: VII. Aria - ModeratoMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Der Herr Dein Gott Set Gelobet: I. Tutti VivaceMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Jesu meine Freude: Recitativo BassoMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Jesu meine Freude: Versus IV DuettoMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Jesu meine Freude: Choral Versus i TuttiMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Lasset uns hinzutreten mit Freudigkeir - "Poem V 19": Aria SopranoMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Bleibe fromm und halte dich recht: ChordeMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Dixit Dominus, Psalm 109: AmenMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Dulcis JesuMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Congratulamini nunc omnesMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Laudamus DominumMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Suita Chorea z Tabulatury Oliwsiej: VIMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Suita Chorea z Tabulatury Oliwsiej: IVMusic Treasures of Old Gdansk
Litania Polska: Pi?kna P?tniczkoJuliusz Luciuk: Poland's Litany, Litania Polska
Litania Polska: Co Jasnej bronisz Cz?stochowyJuliusz Luciuk: Poland's Litany, Litania Polska