Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra的歌曲列表
Carnival of the Animals: IX. The Cuckoo in the Depths of the WoodsCarnivals & Fairy Tales
Carnival of the Animals: XII. FossilsCarnivals & Fairy Tales
Carnival of the Animals: XIII. The SwanCarnivals & Fairy Tales
Mother Goose Suite, M. 60: II. Hop O' My ThumbCarnivals & Fairy Tales
Mother Goose Suite, M. 60: III. Laideronette, Empress of the PagodasCarnivals & Fairy Tales
Mother Goose Suite, M. 60: IV. Conversations of Beauty and the BeastCarnivals & Fairy Tales
Mother Goose Suite, M. 60: V. The Fairy GardenCarnivals & Fairy Tales
Antoine et Cleopatre Suite No. 1, Op. 69a:I. Antoine et CleopatreSCHMITT, F.: Antoine et Cléopâtre Suites Nos. 1 and 2 / Le Palais Hanté (Buffalo Philharmonic, Falletta)
Antoine et Cleopatre Suite No. 2, Op. 69b:II. Orgie et dansesSCHMITT, F.: Antoine et Cléopâtre Suites Nos. 1 and 2 / Le Palais Hanté (Buffalo Philharmonic, Falletta)
Antoine et Cleopatre Suite No. 2, Op. 69b:III. Le tombeau de CleopatreSCHMITT, F.: Antoine et Cléopâtre Suites Nos. 1 and 2 / Le Palais Hanté (Buffalo Philharmonic, Falletta)
Songbook for Solo Violin, Strings, Harp and Percussion: 3. Passacaglia: Look AwayBuilt for Buffalo
Triple Concerto for Three Trombones and Orchestra: 1. Andante sostenuto; Allegro energicoBuilt for Buffalo
Triple Concerto for Three Trombones and Orchestra: 2. Andante affettuosoBuilt for Buffalo
Symphony No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 42: II. Solovey, the BrigandGliere: Symphony No. 3, 'Il'ya Muromets'
Symphony No. 3:I. Andante maestoso - Solenne e sostenutoTYBERG, M.: Symphony No. 3 / Piano Trio (M. Ludwig, Mekinulov, Ya-Fei Chuang, Buffalo Philharmonic, Falletta)
Feste romane (Roman Festivals), P. 157:II. Il GiubileoRESPIGHI, O.: Roman Trilogy - Feste romane / Fontane di Roma / Pini di Roma (Buffalo Philharmonic, Falletta)
Feste romane (Roman Festivals), P. 157:III. L'OttobrataRESPIGHI, O.: Roman Trilogy - Feste romane / Fontane di Roma / Pini di Roma (Buffalo Philharmonic, Falletta)
Feste romane (Roman Festivals), P. 157:IV. La BefanaRESPIGHI, O.: Roman Trilogy - Feste romane / Fontane di Roma / Pini di Roma (Buffalo Philharmonic, Falletta)
Fontane di Roma (Fountains of Rome), P. 106:III. La fontana di Trevi al meriggioRESPIGHI, O.: Roman Trilogy - Feste romane / Fontane di Roma / Pini di Roma (Buffalo Philharmonic, Falletta)
Pini di Roma (Pines of Rome), P. 141:IV. I pini della via AppiaRESPIGHI, O.: Roman Trilogy - Feste romane / Fontane di Roma / Pini di Roma (Buffalo Philharmonic, Falletta)
Die Walküre, Act III: Ritt der Walküren (Ride of the Valkyries) (arr. W. Hutschenruyter for orchestra)WAGNER, R.: Ring des Nibelungen (Der): Orchestral Music (Buffalo Philharmonic, Falletta)
Die Walküre, Act III: Leb' wohl … Loge hör! Lausche hieher, "Wotan's Farewell" - Feuerzauber (Magic Fire Music) (arr. W. Hutschenruyter for orchestra)WAGNER, R.: Ring des Nibelungen (Der): Orchestral Music (Buffalo Philharmonic, Falletta)
Siegfried, Act II: Waldweben (Forest Murmurs) (arr. H. Zumpe for orchestra)WAGNER, R.: Ring des Nibelungen (Der): Orchestral Music (Buffalo Philharmonic, Falletta)
Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods), Act III: Fliegt heim, "Immolation Scene" (version for orchestra)WAGNER, R.: Ring des Nibelungen (Der): Orchestral Music (Buffalo Philharmonic, Falletta)