introBuda Session: The Mixtape
Chariots of FireBuda Session: The Mixtape
Track.06Buda Session: The Mixtape
Cute Hoes RemixBuda Session: The Mixtape
Track.12Buda Session: The Mixtape
Last LongBuda Session: The Mixtape
After the RainBuda Session: The Mixtape
Track.16Buda Session: The Mixtape
Track.19Buda Session: The Mixtape
Track.24Buda Session: The Mixtape
At the TopBuda Session: The Mixtape
Track.27Buda Session: The Mixtape
Coma-chi FreestyleBuda Session: The Mixtape
Track.31Buda Session: The Mixtape
NitroBuda Session: The Mixtape
DJ DuelBuda Session: The Mixtape
Track.36Buda Session: The Mixtape
OutroBuda Session: The Mixtape
KnowledgeThe Fresh Speech
Almost ThereGreen Apples and Oranges
Back In The DayThe Fresh Speech
Night FlightNight Flight
Club SceneThe Fresh Speech
Lets Build (feat. ISSUGI, 仙人掌 & Epic) (Remix) (Remix)Lets Build (feat. ISSUGI, 仙人掌 & Epic) [Remix] (Remix)