Benjamin Britten的歌曲列表
War Requiem, Op. 66:VI. Libera me - "It seemed that out of battle I escaped"The Essential Benjamin Britten
The Rescue of Penelope:Part 1 "Yet not all reached their homes"The Essential Benjamin Britten
The Rescue of Penelope:Part 1 "Worse still, the island"The Essential Benjamin Britten
The Rescue of Penelope:Part 1 "Your prayer is answered, Penelope"The Essential Benjamin Britten
The Rescue of Penelope:Part 2 "I, Athene, rise to the edge of night"The Essential Benjamin Britten
The Rescue of Penelope:Part 2 "Bold. Telemachus, watch the shadow on the wall"The Essential Benjamin Britten
Billy Budd, Act 1:"Send for John Claggart" (First Lieutenant, Sailing Master, Ratcliffe, Claggart, Red Whiskers, Jones, Billy)The Essential Benjamin Britten
Billy Budd, Act 1:"I heard, your honour!" (Claggart, Squeak, Sailor)The Essential Benjamin Britten
Billy Budd, Act 2:"Here lads!" (Donald, Red Whiskers, Billy, Dansker, Squeak, seamen)The Essential Benjamin Britten
Billy Budd, Act 3:"I don't like the look of the mist" (Vere, First Lieutenant, Claggart)The Essential Benjamin Britten
Billy Budd, Act 3:"Nay, nay, you're mistaken" (Vere, Claggart, Cabin Boy, First Lieutenant, Sailing Master, Ratcliffe)The Essential Benjamin Britten
Billy Budd, Act 4:"Look!... Trough the port comes the moonshine astray!" (Billy, Dansker)The Essential Benjamin Britten
Billy Budd, Act 4:"Starry Vere, God bless you" (Choir)The Essential Benjamin Britten
Billy Budd, Act 4:"We commited his body" (Vere)The Essential Benjamin Britten
Violin Concerto Op.15:3. Passacaglia; Andante lentoNocturne for tenor, 7 obligato instruments & strings, Op.60
Variations on a theme of Frank Bridge Op.10:4. RomanceNocturne for tenor, 7 obligato instruments & strings, Op.60
Variations on a theme of Frank Bridge Op.10:5. Aria ItalianaNocturne for tenor, 7 obligato instruments & strings, Op.60
The Prince of the Pagodas Op.57 - Act 1:GavotteNocturne for tenor, 7 obligato instruments & strings, Op.60
The Prince of the Pagodas Op.57 - Act 1:The King of the EastNocturne for tenor, 7 obligato instruments & strings, Op.60
The Prince of the Pagodas Op.57 - Act 1:Rage of the KingsNocturne for tenor, 7 obligato instruments & strings, Op.60
The Prince of the Pagodas Op.57 - Act 2:Scene 2 - Belle Rose in Pagoda-LandNocturne for tenor, 7 obligato instruments & strings, Op.60
Songs & Proverbs of William Blake Op.74:To See a World...Every Night and Every MornNocturne for tenor, 7 obligato instruments & strings, Op.60
Les Illuminations Op.18:I. FanfareNocturne for tenor, 7 obligato instruments & strings, Op.60
The Burning Fiery Furnace Op.77:ProcessionWar Requiem, Op.66 / Rehearsal sequence