BBC Singers的歌曲列表
Missa del Cid: II. GloriaJudith Weir: Storm
The Angry Planet, Part 4: II. 6am (Lutra lutra)Bob Chilcott: The Angry Planet
The Angry Planet, Part 3: IV. Sorry Too LateBob Chilcott: The Angry Planet
The Angry Planet, Part 3: II. We NeedBob Chilcott: The Angry Planet
The Angry Planet, Part 1: I. 6pmBob Chilcott: The Angry Planet
Five Days that Changed the World: V. Wednesday 12 April 1961: The First Man in SpaceBob Chilcott: The Angry Planet
Five Days that Changed the World: III. Monday 14 December 1903: The First Powered FlightBob Chilcott: The Angry Planet
Storm: V. MercyJudith Weir: Storm
Storm: III. MagicJudith Weir: Storm
Storm: I. Storm - ShipwreckJudith Weir: Storm
The Song Sung True: II. SongJudith Weir: Storm
Missa del Cid: III. CredoJudith Weir: Storm
Missa del Cid: I. KyrieJudith Weir: Storm
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis: I. MagnificatJudith Weir: Storm
All the Ends of the EarthJudith Weir: Storm
The Angry Planet, Part 2: I. RememberBob Chilcott: The Angry Planet
The Angry Planet, Part 1: II. As ifBob Chilcott: The Angry Planet
Five Days that Changed the World: IV. Friday 28 September 1928: The Discovery of PenicillinBob Chilcott: The Angry Planet
The Song Sung True: III. OrpheusJudith Weir: Storm
The Angry Planet, Part 4: III. PerhapsBob Chilcott: The Angry Planet
The Angry Planet, Part 2: II. 9pmBob Chilcott: The Angry Planet
The Miracle of Spring: V. The Voice of WaterBob Chilcott: The Angry Planet
The Miracle of Spring: I. Where Water WaitsBob Chilcott: The Angry Planet
Five Days that Changed the World: I. Thursday 29 March 1455: The Invention of PrintingBob Chilcott: The Angry Planet