Andrew Parrott的歌曲列表
2vespro Beata Vergine:Giovanni Paolo Sonata AVespers(1610)
3vespro Beata Vergine:Laetatus Sum PsalmusVespers(1610)
Beata Vergine:Benedicta Filia Antiphonia4vesproVespers(1610)
He Put On Righteousness (Israel In Egypt, Act 1)Israel In Egypt
Sons Of Israel Do Mourn (Israel In Egypt, Act 1)Israel In Egypt
Beata Vergine:Nisi Dominus Psalmus 4vesproVespers(1610)
Beata Vergine:Audi Coelum ConcertovesproVespers(1610)
Their Bodies Are Buried In Peace (Israel In Egypt,Israel In Egypt
How Is The Mighty Fallen (Israel In Egypt, Act1)Israel In Egypt
A Suite of Theatre Music: II. Rondeau (Abdelazer, or The Moor's Revenge Z.570 No. 2)100 Best Baroque
And The Children Of Israel Sighed (Israel In EgyptIsrael In Egypt
Largo Assai (Israel In Egypt, ActIsrael In Egypt
He Delivered The Poor That Cried (Israel In Egypt,Israel In Egypt
Righteousness Shall Be Had In Everlasting RememberIsrael In Egypt
He Smote All The First Born Of Egypt (Israel In EgIsrael In Egypt
Beata Vergine:Psalmus 5 VesproVespers(1610)
How Is The Mighty Fallen (Israel In Egypt, Act1)Israel In Egypt
When The Ear Heard Him (Israel In Egypt, Act 1)Israel In Egypt
How Is The Mighty Fallen (Israel In Egypt, Act1)Israel In Egypt
People Will Tell Of Their Wisdom, The (Israel In eIsrael In Egypt
They Shall Receive A Glorious Kingdom (Israel In eIsrael In Egypt
Merciful Goodness Of The Lord Endureth Forever (IsIsrael In Egypt
Now There Arose A New King Over Egypt (Israel In eIsrael In Egypt
Then Sent He Moses (Israel In Egypt, Act 2)Israel In Egypt