Andrew Parrott的歌曲列表
Then Sent He Moses (Israel In Egypt, Act 2)Israel In Egypt
They Loathed To Drink Of The River (Israel In EgypIsrael In Egypt
A Their Land Brought Forth Frogs (Israel In EgyptIsrael In Egypt
He Spake The Word (Israel In Egypt, Act 2)Israel In Egypt
He Gave Them Hailstones For Rain (Israel In Egypt,Israel In Egypt
Beata Vergine:Antiphonia 5 VesproVespers(1610)
Beata Vergine:Capitulum VesproVespers(1610)
Beata Vergine:Sonata A 3vesproVespers(1610)
He Sent A Thick Darkness Over All The Land (IsraelIsrael In Egypt
But As For His People He Led Them Forth Like SheepIsrael In Egypt
Egypt Was Glad When They Departed (Israel In EgyptIsrael In Egypt
He Rebuked The Red Sea (Israel In Egypt, Act 2)Israel In Egypt
He Led Them Through The Deep (Israel In Egypt, ActIsrael In Egypt
But The Waters Overwhelmed Their Enemies (Israel iIsrael In Egypt
A And Israel Saw That Great Work (Israel In EgyptIsrael In Egypt
And Believed The Lord (Israel In Egypt, Act 2)Israel In Egypt
Moses And The Children Of Israel Sung This Song (iIsrael In Egypt
I Will Sing Unto The Lord (Israel In Egypt, Act 3)Israel In Egypt
Lord Is My Strength, The (Israel In Egypt, Act 3)Israel In Egypt
He Is My God (Israel In Egypt, Act 3)Israel In Egypt
And I Will Exault Him (Israel In Egypt, Act 3)Israel In Egypt
Lord Is A Man Of War, The (Israel In Egypt, Act 3)Israel In Egypt
Depths Have Covered Him, The (Israel In Egypt, ActIsrael In Egypt
Thy Right Hand O Lord Has Become Glorious In PowerIsrael In Egypt