Andrew Mogrelia的歌曲列表
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:SceneTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:PanoramaTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Entr'acteTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Pas de quatre: IntroductionTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:FinaleTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:ACT III. The Wedding: Marche - Festive ProcessionTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Entr'acte symphonique (Le Sommeil) et Scene - The SleepTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:La Fee-Saphir (Variation III)TCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Pas de Deux: Aurore et DesireTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Pas Berrichon: (a) Le Petit Poucet, ses freres et I'OgreTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:(b) AdagioTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Polacca - Cortege des Contes de Fees (The Good Fairies)TCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:FinaleTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:CodaTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Pas de caractere: Le chat botte et la chatte blanche (Puss-in-Boots and the White Cat)TCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:SarabandeTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:(e) CodaTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:(d) Aurore (Variation II)TCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:(c) Desire (Variation I)TCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:(a) EntreeTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:(b) Cendrillon et le Prince Fortune (Cinderella and Prince Fortune)TCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:(a) Chaperon Rouge et le Loup (Little Red Riding-Hood and The Wolf)TCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Le Prologue: Marche - Entree du Roi Florestan et sa cour (Entrance of King Florestan and Court)TCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Pas de six: IntroductionTCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty (The) (Complete Ballet)