Andrew Kennedy的歌曲列表
I'm A GrowerAlmost Black
Brits & MomAlmost Black
Worst of UsLife-Changer
Ludlow & Theme:The Lent LilyOn Wenlock Edge
Ghost TrainThe NMC Songbook
An Aesthetic of LinesThe NMC Songbook
Love SongThe NMC Songbook
5 Songs to Poems by John Clare:No. 1, Meet Me in the Green GlenThe NMC Songbook
A Cause for WonderThe NMC Songbook
EasterThe NMC Songbook
Ludlow & Theme:When I was one ant twentyOn Wenlock Edge
I Look into My GlassThe NMC Songbook
Ah! Sun-flowerThe NMC Songbook
The BourneThe NMC Songbook
InterludeThe NMC Songbook
The Chinese LadyAlmost Black
You Were the OneLife-Changer
2 Songs, Op. 28: No. 2. At MidnightVENABLES I.: On the Wings of Love / Venetian Songs (English Song, Vol. 21) (A. Kennedy, Burnside)
6 Songs, Op. 33: No. 4. The November PianoVENABLES I.: On the Wings of Love / Venetian Songs (English Song, Vol. 21) (A. Kennedy, Burnside)
Love's Voice, Op. 22:II. The Passing StrangerVENABLES I.: On the Wings of Love / Venetian Songs (English Song, Vol. 21) (A. Kennedy, Burnside)
Meet The KidsAlmost Black
Racial Profiling - DOAAlmost Black
Sad SituationLife-Changer
On Wenlock Edge:On Wenlock EdgeOn Wenlock Edge