Andrew Kennedy的歌曲列表
Deathbed ConfessionLife-Changer
To Bed:No. 5, With My WhipThe NMC Songbook
Rosetta StoneAlmost Black
Stanzas 1814The NMC Songbook
Hello San AntonioAlmost Black
A SwallowThe NMC Songbook
Tss-k-haaThe NMC Songbook
Album d'un voyageur, S156/R8, Book I, "Impressions et Poesies":A Kiss, Op. 15VENABLES I.: On the Wings of Love / Venetian Songs (English Song, Vol. 21) (A. Kennedy, Burnside)
Songs of Eternity & Sorrow Op. 36:Easter HymnOn Wenlock Edge
Latinos In Disguise For A Better AmericaAlmost Black
At Malvern, Op. 24VENABLES I.: On the Wings of Love / Venetian Songs (English Song, Vol. 21) (A. Kennedy, Burnside)
Ludlow & Theme:On the idle hill of summerOn Wenlock Edge
Songs of Eternity & Sorrow Op. 36:Oh who is that young sinner?On Wenlock Edge
Great ScottAlmost Black
Schwarzenegger, Walken & ClintonAlmost Black
LucretiusThe NMC Songbook
Labyrinth to LightThe NMC Songbook
On Wenlock Edge:Bredon HillOn Wenlock Edge
"Together" NightmaresAlmost Black
Blist's HillThe NMC Songbook
Out of TownThe NMC Songbook
Proud Maisie…The NMC Songbook
An ObliqueThe NMC Songbook
On the Wings of Love, Op. 38:III. Sonnet XIVENABLES I.: On the Wings of Love / Venetian Songs (English Song, Vol. 21) (A. Kennedy, Burnside)