StarsStill Waters
Dragonfly DanceDusk Till Dawn
Siren SongDusk Till Dawn
O Holy NightComfort and Joy
O TannenbaumComfort and Joy
Silent NightComfort and Joy
I Heard the Bells On Christmas DayComfort and Joy
The Return of the KingPatience and Luck
Eu Quero FicarForça da Natureza
Santa NaturezaForça da Natureza
Quero Que Tu VáQuero Que Tu Vá (Joker Beats Version)
Blank SpaceBlank Space
Bye GoodBye Now.The Gift
Colours Around the MoonThe Gift
Rise UpThe Gift
Pran GabhireAnanda 3 - In the Heart-Sky
Chinta JagateAnanda 3 - In the Heart-Sky
Charane TomarAnanda 3 - In the Heart-Sky
Love Me NowWake Up
WishStill Waters
Mother's LullabyeStill Waters
Utthare GangaiAnanda 4
Ah! There He Comes and There He GoesAnanda 4
It Came Upon the Midnight ClearComfort and Joy