Amplitude Problem的歌曲列表
Assembly LineSynchron Assembly
Into the NightNow It's Dark
Tire ShineBlue Bots Dots
Ok FiretownBlue Bots Dots
Funky MustacheBlue Bots Dots
80 Proof Midnights and 98 Octane NoonsBlue Bots Dots
Good Night Neon LightBlue Bots Dots
Outsmarting YouCrime of Curiosity
Funky Beach HouseDescendants of Funk
Coder's Boot SequenceCoder's Boot Sequence
InitializeSynchron Assembly
PrecalculateSynchron Assembly
TerminateSynchron Assembly
A Deal Soon RegrettedNow It's Dark
Tomb of KhufuNow It's Dark
Arcade BaitNow It's Dark
Echoes from NealsBlue Bots Dots
Wet Pavement BluesBlue Bots Dots
Blue Bots DotsBlue Bots Dots
Computer CornerBlue Bots Dots
A Squadron of Plastic SpaceshipsBlue Bots Dots