Alfredo Simonetto的歌曲列表
Linda di Chamounix:Act I: Uh! Gia in collera non sono (Maddalena)DONIZETTI, G.: Linda di Chamounix [Opera] (Carosio, Raimondi, Taddei, Modesti, RAI Chorus and Opera Orchestra, Milan, Simonetto) (1953)
Linda di Chamounix:Act I: Ambo nati in questa valle (Antonio)DONIZETTI, G.: Linda di Chamounix [Opera] (Carosio, Raimondi, Taddei, Modesti, RAI Chorus and Opera Orchestra, Milan, Simonetto) (1953)
Linda di Chamounix:Act I: Presti al tempio! (Chorus)DONIZETTI, G.: Linda di Chamounix [Opera] (Carosio, Raimondi, Taddei, Modesti, RAI Chorus and Opera Orchestra, Milan, Simonetto) (1953)
Loreley:Act III: Ove sono? Che fu? (Walter)CATALANI, A.: Loreley [Opera] (McKnight, Gigli, Neate, Guelfi, Colella, RAI Chorus, RAI Opera Orchestra, Simonetto) (1954)
Loreley:Act II: Anna sofferma il pie (Herrmann)CATALANI, A.: Loreley [Opera] (McKnight, Gigli, Neate, Guelfi, Colella, RAI Chorus, RAI Opera Orchestra, Simonetto) (1954)
Guillaume Tell (William Tell): Act III: Resta immobile, e ver la terra inchinaSTRAUSS, R.: Salome [Opera] (Djanel, Gobbi, Tasso, Benedetti, RAI Symphony, Simonetto) (1952)
Salome, Op. 54, TrV 215:ene 4: Ah! Ich habe deinen Mund gekusst, Jochanaan (Ah! I have kissed thy mouth, Jokanaan) (Salome, Herodes)STRAUSS, R.: Salome [Opera] (Djanel, Gobbi, Tasso, Benedetti, RAI Symphony, Simonetto) (1952)
Salome, Op. 54, TrV 215:ene 4: Sie ist ein Ungeheuer, deine Tochter (She is monstrous, thy daughter) (Herod, Herodias)STRAUSS, R.: Salome [Opera] (Djanel, Gobbi, Tasso, Benedetti, RAI Symphony, Simonetto) (1952)
Salome, Op. 54, TrV 215:ene 4: Und deine Zunge, sie spricht kein Wort, Jochanaan (Salome)STRAUSS, R.: Salome [Opera] (Djanel, Gobbi, Tasso, Benedetti, RAI Symphony, Simonetto) (1952)
Salome, Op. 54, TrV 215:ene 4: Salome, ich beschwore dich: sei nicht trotzig! (Herodes, Salome, Herodias)STRAUSS, R.: Salome [Opera] (Djanel, Gobbi, Tasso, Benedetti, RAI Symphony, Simonetto) (1952)
Salome, Op. 54, TrV 215:ene 4: Sich, die Zeit ist gekommen (Lo! The time has come!) (Jokanaan, Herodias, Herod, Juden)STRAUSS, R.: Salome [Opera] (Djanel, Gobbi, Tasso, Benedetti, RAI Symphony, Simonetto) (1952)
Salome, Op. 54, TrV 215:ene 3: Ich will deinen Mund kussen (Salome, Jokanaan)STRAUSS, R.: Salome [Opera] (Djanel, Gobbi, Tasso, Benedetti, RAI Symphony, Simonetto) (1952)
Salome, Op. 54, TrV 215:ene 2: Ich will niche bleiben (I will not stay) (Salome, Page)STRAUSS, R.: Salome [Opera] (Djanel, Gobbi, Tasso, Benedetti, RAI Symphony, Simonetto) (1952)
Zhizn' za tsarya (A Life for the Tsar), Op. 4 (arr. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A. Glazunov) (Sung in Italian):Act III: La dolce primavera (Chorus, Antonida)GLINKA, M.I.: Zhizn' za tsarya (A Life for the Tsar) [Opera] (Christoff, Zeani, Campora, RAI Chorus and Orchestra, Simonetto) (1954)
Zhizn' za tsarya (A Life for the Tsar), Op. 4 (arr. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A. Glazunov) (Sung in Italian):Act III: Son felice, ringraziamo il Signore! (Sussanin, Sobinin, Vania, Antonida)GLINKA, M.I.: Zhizn' za tsarya (A Life for the Tsar) [Opera] (Christoff, Zeani, Campora, RAI Chorus and Orchestra, Simonetto) (1954)
Zhizn' za tsarya (A Life for the Tsar), Op. 4 (arr. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A. Glazunov) (Sung in Italian):Act I: Ah, volle Iddio a noi donar (Sussanin, Sobinin, Chorus, Antonida)GLINKA, M.I.: Zhizn' za tsarya (A Life for the Tsar) [Opera] (Christoff, Zeani, Campora, RAI Chorus and Orchestra, Simonetto) (1954)
Phedre: OuvertureMASSENET, J.: Don Quichotte [Opera] (Berganza, Christoff, Badioli, RAI Chorus and Orchestra, Simonetto) (1957)
Don Quichotte (Sung in Italian):Act V: IntroductionMASSENET, J.: Don Quichotte [Opera] (Berganza, Christoff, Badioli, RAI Chorus and Orchestra, Simonetto) (1957)
Don Quichotte (Sung in Italian):Act IV: Second InterludeMASSENET, J.: Don Quichotte [Opera] (Berganza, Christoff, Badioli, RAI Chorus and Orchestra, Simonetto) (1957)
Don Quichotte (Sung in Italian):Act IV: Gia vien l'aurora foriera (All)MASSENET, J.: Don Quichotte [Opera] (Berganza, Christoff, Badioli, RAI Chorus and Orchestra, Simonetto) (1957)
Don Quichotte (Sung in Italian):Act IV: Quando l'amor se ne fugge (Dulcinee, Rodrigo, Giovanni)MASSENET, J.: Don Quichotte [Opera] (Berganza, Christoff, Badioli, RAI Chorus and Orchestra, Simonetto) (1957)
Don Quichotte (Sung in Italian):Act III: Il cavalier errante, (Don Quichotte, Bandits)MASSENET, J.: Don Quichotte [Opera] (Berganza, Christoff, Badioli, RAI Chorus and Orchestra, Simonetto) (1957)
Don Quichotte (Sung in Italian):Act III: Ecco certamente un uom (Bandits)MASSENET, J.: Don Quichotte [Opera] (Berganza, Christoff, Badioli, RAI Chorus and Orchestra, Simonetto) (1957)
Don Quichotte (Sung in Italian):Act III: Quando appariscon gli astri (Don Quichotte, Sancio)MASSENET, J.: Don Quichotte [Opera] (Berganza, Christoff, Badioli, RAI Chorus and Orchestra, Simonetto) (1957)