Ailish Tynan的歌曲列表
Symphony No. 8: Part I: v. Veni, creator spiritusMahler: Symphonies Nos.1-9
Symphony No. 8: Part I: iv. Accende lumen sensibusMahler: Symphonies Nos.1-9
I Will Walk With My LoveA Purse Of Gold - Irish Songs By Herbert Hughes
English Lyrics, Set 3 (text by T.L. Beddoes): No. 2. If thou would'st ease thine heartPARRY, H.: Songs (From a City Window) (Tynan, Bickley, Dazeley, Burnside)
English Lyrics, Set 5 (text by F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher)PARRY, H.: Songs (From a City Window) (Tynan, Bickley, Dazeley, Burnside)
English Lyrics, Set 8 (text by G. Meredith): No. 4. Dirge in woodsPARRY, H.: Songs (From a City Window) (Tynan, Bickley, Dazeley, Burnside)
English Lyrics, Set 7 (text by R. Herrick)PARRY, H.: Songs (From a City Window) (Tynan, Bickley, Dazeley, Burnside)
English Lyrics, Set 1 (text by W. Scott): No. 3. Where shall the lover restPARRY, H.: Songs (From a City Window) (Tynan, Bickley, Dazeley, Burnside)
English Lyrics, Set 3 (text by R. Lovelace): No. 1. To Lucasta, on going to the warsPARRY, H.: Songs (From a City Window) (Tynan, Bickley, Dazeley, Burnside)
Airs from Another Planet:No. 2, Traditional AirAirs from Another Planet
Symphony No. 8: Part II: ix. Neige, neige, du OhnegleicheMahler: Symphonies Nos.1-9
Symphony No. 8: Part II: vii. Dir, der UnberuhrbarenMahler: Symphonies Nos.1-9
Symphony No. 8: Part I: vi. Gloria Patri DominoMahler: Symphonies Nos.1-9
Symphony No. 8: Part I: ii. Imple superna gratiaMahler: Symphonies Nos.1-9
I Know Where I'm Goin'A Purse Of Gold - Irish Songs By Herbert Hughes
O Father, Father Build Me A BoatA Purse Of Gold - Irish Songs By Herbert Hughes
She Moved Thro' The FairA Purse Of Gold - Irish Songs By Herbert Hughes
You Couldn't Stop A LoverA Purse Of Gold - Irish Songs By Herbert Hughes
The Gartan Mother's LullabyA Purse Of Gold - Irish Songs By Herbert Hughes
Cruckhaun FinnA Purse Of Gold - Irish Songs By Herbert Hughes
ReynardineA Purse Of Gold - Irish Songs By Herbert Hughes
English Lyrics, Set 6 (Anonymous text): No. 2. And yet I love her till I diePARRY, H.: Songs (From a City Window) (Tynan, Bickley, Dazeley, Burnside)
English Lyrics, Set 1 (text by W. Shakespeare): No. 4. Willow, willow, willowPARRY, H.: Songs (From a City Window) (Tynan, Bickley, Dazeley, Burnside)
English Lyrics, Set 2: No. 1. O mistress minePARRY, H.: Songs (From a City Window) (Tynan, Bickley, Dazeley, Burnside)