Achille Lauro的歌曲列表
Banana Nicole SmithAchille Lauro
La Jeunesse DoreeAchille Lauro
Titan 1Achille Lauro
Up By ThreeAchille Lauro
Vacation Bible SchoolAchille Lauro
Put Your Guns AwayAchille Lauro
Regretyou're going to live (and other nice things to hear)
Break Breakyou're going to live (and other nice things to hear)
Rolls Royce1969
C'est la vie1969
C'est la vieC'est la vie
Roba francesePour l'amour
El NinhoPour l'amour
Midnight CarnivalPour l'amour
DisneylandRagazzi madre (1 Year Anniversary)
Dio c'èDio c'è
GhostAchille Idol Immortale
Hard PressedFlight or Flight
Friends WarIndiscretions
Unicorns and ConsentIndiscretions
Space RaceAchille Lauro
Rubber Dub DubAchille Lauro