Johnny Dyani的歌曲列表
Angolian CryAngolian Cry
Wish You SunshineBorn Under the Heat
Safari (Live at Jazz Unite)Some Jive Ass Boer
EyomziWitchdoctor's Son
Ntyilo, NtyiloWitchdoctor's Son
RadebeWitchdoctor's Son
MbizoWitchdoctor's Son
Radebe, Take 1Witchdoctor's Son
Heart with Minor's FaceWitchdoctor's Son
Magwaza, Take 1Witchdoctor's Son
Suho Ning SamoEven the Moon Is Dancing
Wish You SunshineSong for Biko
Song for BikoSong for Biko
Confession of MoodsSong for Biko
Blame It on the BoersAfrika
Pretoria ThreeAfrika
Needle ChildrenAfrika
Grandmother's TeachingAfrika
Funk Dem DuduAfrika
Kalahari LivesAfrika
Dedicated to Abdullah IbrahimAfrika
Grandmother's Teaching, Alt. TakeAfrika