Watermelon Slim的歌曲列表
Wreck on the HighwayEscape from the Chicken Coop
Check Writing WomanWatermelon Slim & the Workers
Friends on the PorchEscape from the Chicken Coop
Possum HandWatermelon Slim & the Workers
Bubba's BluesNo Paid Holidays
Should Have Done MoreEscape from the Chicken Coop
Frisco LineWatermelon Slim & the Workers
And When I DieNo Paid Holidays
Hank Williams You Wrote My LifeEscape from the Chicken Coop
Ash TrayWatermelon Slim & the Workers
Into the SunsetNo Paid Holidays
America's WivesEscape from the Chicken Coop
Mack TruckWatermelon Slim & the Workers
Gearzy's BoogieNo Paid Holidays
Bad SinnerWatermelon Slim & the Workers
Truck Drivin' SongsEscape from the Chicken Coop
Max the Baseball CrownNo Paid Holidays
It's Never Too Hard to Be HumbleEscape from the Chicken Coop
Hard LaborWatermelon Slim & the Workers
Juke Joint WomanWatermelon Slim & the Workers
Tomorrow NightBull Goose Rooster
Folding Money BluesWatermelon Slim & the Workers
The Bloody Burmese BluesNo Paid Holidays
This Traveling LifeNo Paid Holidays