Kenneth Sandford的歌曲列表
"Oh Sergeant Meryll" - "Ye Tower Warders" - "Leonard Meryll!" - "Forbear my friends" - "Didst thou not" - "Leonard!" - "As escort for the prisoner"Gilbert & Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard & Trial By Jury
"Hereupon we're both agreed"Gilbert & Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard & Trial By Jury
"Hark! What was that sir?":"Who fired that shot?" "Like a ghost his vigil keeping..." - "The river must be dragged"Gilbert & Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard & Trial By Jury
"Comes the pretty young bride":"'Tis said to you" - "Hold pretty one!"Gilbert & Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard & Trial By Jury
The Zoo:And now let's go back to where we were...Ah maiden fairThe Zoo
The Zoo:Where is he?The Zoo
The Zoo:Once more the face I loved so wellThe Zoo
The Zoo:Help! Ah Help!The Zoo
The Zoo:Ho-guards! Minions!The Zoo
The Zoo:Ladies and Gentlemen!The Zoo
The Zoo:We gather from what you have saidThe Zoo
The Zoo:Finale: What do I see in this disguiseThe Zoo
The Mikado:The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring Tra LaThe World of Gilbert & Sullivan
2. Now hearken to my strict commandPineapple Poll
6. P'raps if you address the lady most politelyPineapple Poll
18. Oh joy! Our chief is sav'dPineapple Poll
19. We may remark tho' nothing can dismay usPineapple Poll
26. With joy abidingPineapple Poll
So Please You Sir We Much RegretString Quartet in B flat, H.III, Op.76, No.4 - "Sunrise"
10. First you're born (King Scaphio Phantis)Utopia Limited / Act 2
20. Society has quite forsaken all (King Chorus)Utopia Limited / Act 2
The Mikado:The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring Tra LaString Quartet in B flat, H.III, Op.76, No.4 - "Sunrise"
15. The threaten'd cloud has pass'd awayThe Mikado / Act 2
So Please You Sir We Much RegretThe Mikado / Act 2