Alessandro Piccinini的歌曲列表
Ciaccona in G majorMonteverdi: Messa a quattro voci et salmi of 1650 Volume II
Alessandro Piccini: Toccata XIGuitar Fantasies
Toccata XXIVLight & Shadows - Lute Music of the Italian Baroque
Toccata XIXLight & Shadows - Lute Music of the Italian Baroque
Corrente primaLight & Shadows - Lute Music of the Italian Baroque
Toccata XXLight & Shadows - Lute Music of the Italian Baroque
Toccata VILight & Shadows - Lute Music of the Italian Baroque
Courante VIILight & Shadows - Lute Music of the Italian Baroque
Corrente XILight & Shadows - Lute Music of the Italian Baroque
Toccata (Arr. Roberts)A Golden Treasury of Ancient Instruments