A GalyardeAn Evening Hymn
The Short Mesure off My Lady Wynkfylds RowndeAn Evening Hymn
My Lady Careys DompeAn Evening Hymn
La FolliaHermes' Invention
Psalm 24The Glory of Peterborough Cathedral
Narration XXV (16): "Of the Inferiority of Wisdom in all of Life’s Circumstances" / Music: Vederlo (Improvisation)Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Folía: "Rodrigo Martinez" (From the Villancico of C. M. Palacio No. 12)Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narration XI (7): "On How She Perpetuates the Human Race" / Music (Cont.): Folía: "Rodrigo Martinez" (From the Villancico of C. M. Palacio No. 12)Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Home Again, Market Is Done (Margaret Board Lute Book)Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narration XIV (10): "On How She Prolongs Infancy and Halts Old Age" / Music: Folías antiguas (C. M. Palacio No. 121)Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narration LV (21): "Folly of Kings" / Music: Las Vacas (Romanesca)Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narration XII (8): "On How She is the Source of Happiness in Life" / Music (Cont.): Folía: "Rodrigo Martinez" (From the Villancico of C. M. Palacio No. 12)Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Liberty Hall (Lord, in Thy Presence)Shall We Gather
All Creatures of Our God and King50 Best-Loved Hymns
Second Lesson'How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings' - An Evensong for a Dedication from Salisbury Cathedral
Creed'How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings' - An Evensong for a Dedication from Salisbury Cathedral
Prayers'How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings' - An Evensong for a Dedication from Salisbury Cathedral
First Lesson'How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings' - An Evensong for a Dedication from Salisbury Cathedral
Apostles' CreedEvensong For St. Andrew's Day
CollectsEvensong For St. Andrew's Day
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Música de la Catalunya MedievalAve, præsul Barcinonæ - Music from Medieval Catalonia
Música de la Catalunya MedievalAve, præsul Barcinonæ - Music from Medieval Catalonia