Sempiternal SepulchralityPreparing for War (Deluxe)
Order of the Ominous (with Commentary)Sardonic Wrath
Rawness Obselete (with Commentary)Sardonic Wrath
Hate Is the Law (with Commentary)Sardonic Wrath
Sacrificing to the God of DoubtSardonic Wrath
Man Tenker SittSardonic Wrath
Alle Gegen AlleSardonic Wrath
Straightening Sharks in Heaven (with Commentary)Sardonic Wrath
Sjakk Matt Jesu Krist (with Commentary)Sardonic Wrath
Information Wants to Be Syndicated (with Commentary)Sardonic Wrath
The Ones You Left BehindThe Underground Resistance
God of Disturbance & FrictionTotal Death
Raining MurderPlagueweilder
Come Warfare, The Entire DoomThe Underground Resistance
Hedninger Fra HelveteNew Wave Of Black Heavy Metal
Quintessence (Fenriz Commentary Track)Panzerfaust (Deluxe)
Transilvanian Hunger (with Commentary)Transilvanian Hunger (20th Anniversary Edition)
QuintessencePanzerfaust (Deluxe)
En Vind Av Sorg (Fenriz Commentary Track)Panzerfaust (Deluxe)
Under A Funeral MoonPreparing for War
Forebyggende KrigBlack Death and Beyond