Day Of The DeadFrostland Tapes
Odyssey Of FreedomFrostland Tapes
Winds Of TritonFrostland Tapes
The Ones You Left BehindBlack Death and Beyond
In the Shadow of the Horns (Live - Rehearsal Version)Preparing for War (Deluxe)
The Winds They Called The Dungeon ShakerIntroducing Darkthrone
CommandIntroducing Darkthrone
Canadian MetalIntroducing Darkthrone
Forebyggende KrigIntroducing Darkthrone
****** up and Ready to DieHate Them
Ytterst I LivetHate Them
Green Cave FloatIntroducing Darkthrone
RustIntroducing Darkthrone
In Honour of Thy NameHate Them
Divided We StandHate Them
I, VoidhangerPlaguewielder-Reissue
Raining MurderPlaguewielder-Reissue
Sin OriginPlaguewielder-Reissue
Dead EarlyThe Underground Resistance
Graveyard SlutToo Old Too Cold
High On Cold WarToo Old Too Cold
SnowfallFrostland Tapes
CromlechFrostland Tapes