Information Wants to Be Syndicated (with Commentary)Sardonic Wrath
Sjakk Matt Jesu Krist (with Commentary)Sardonic Wrath
Straightening Sharks in Heaven (with Commentary)Sardonic Wrath
Alle Gegen AlleSardonic Wrath
Man Tenker SittSardonic Wrath
Sacrificing to the God of DoubtSardonic Wrath
Hate Is the Law (with Commentary)Sardonic Wrath
Rawness Obselete (with Commentary)Sardonic Wrath
Order of the Ominous (with Commentary)Sardonic Wrath
Sempiternal SepulchralityPreparing for War (Deluxe)
En Vind Av SorgPanzerfaust (Deluxe)
These Shores Are DamnedNew Dark Classics II
Grave with a ViewKatatonia Presents... Peaceville Dark Classics
In the Shadow of the HornsKatatonia Presents... Peaceville Dark Classics
Hordes Of NebulahPeaceville Presents... Black Metal
The Cult Of GoliathPeaceville - Best Of 2006
Striving for a Piece of LuciferPeaceville Presents... Darkthrone
The Hordes of NebulahPeaceville Presents... Darkthrone
Lesser MenPeaceville Presents... Darkthrone
Too Old Too ColdPeaceville Presents... Darkthrone
In the Shadow of the HornsPeaceville Presents... Darkthrone
En as I Dype Skogen (with Commentary)Transilvanian Hunger (20th Anniversary Edition)
As Flittermice as Satans Spys (with Commentary)Transilvanian Hunger (20th Anniversary Edition)