Fiery Dawn的歌曲列表
Flying to InfinityMagus
Wings of FantasyMagus
Searching for UFOsMagus
PranaIn Your Mind
Analog HeavenIn Your Mind
RobotechnologyIn Your Mind
In Your Mind (Fiery Dawn Remix)In Your Mind
Flying To Infinity (Goa Trance 2019 Dj Mixed)Goa Trance 2019
MahakalaGoa Energy by Nova Fractal
Cosmos (Original Mix)Into The Deep
Into The Deep (Original Mix)Into The Deep
Solar Eclipse (Original Mix)Into The Deep
Black Moon Dance (Original Mix)Into The Deep
The Priest of VoodooCosmic Ascension
HyperspaceCosmic Ascension
MahakalaCosmic Ascension
Acid FuryCosmic Ascension
Temple of WarriorsDarkness & Light
Trip to UnderworldDarkness & Light
MetagalaxyDarkness & Light
PhantasmagoriaDarkness & Light