escape+platonics 01: The Virgo Season
Scribble Chalk Drawing (feat. Yikii)xDream
falling ashes 死灰飘零/╲/\╭ºoꍘoº╮/\╱\月之破滅 ✿ disappear with moonlight
寂滅.quietus (remaster)月之破滅 ✿ disappear with moonlight
最終氷期 post-glacial ages月之破滅 ✿ disappear with moonlight
撒旦的囤積病 Satan's compulsive hoarding撒旦的囤積病 ❀ (Satan's compulsive hoarding)
Cursed DreamSilent Night XVII
Skitty (feat. Yikii)xDream
Secret LoveGirlfriend
sick sea撒旦的囤積病 ❀ (Satan's compulsive hoarding)
hell is other people空虛之蝶 ❀ nihil∞butterfly
Future Tell (All Donked Up Dj shshunj շշունջ Refix)Bubble Wrap Armor Remixed
Laser Star (Dj Celes & Skyshaker El Parche Interlude)Bubble Wrap Armor Remixed
Doll's Library (Wa?ste Music Index)Bubble Wrap Armor Remixed
依存症逐漸崩壞的全部 ❀ everything goes wrong
failure 0.1月之破滅 ✿ disappear with moonlight
薔薇傷痕 scar of rose撒旦的囤積病 ❀ (Satan's compulsive hoarding)
sweet broken深眠中的小怪獸 ❀ a sleeping monster
alice深眠中的小怪獸 ❀ a sleeping monster
影鳄深眠中的小怪獸 ❀ a sleeping monster
i hate uno pain
雪之列車逐漸崩壞的全部 ❀ everything goes wrong
花之憂鬱逐漸崩壞的全部 ❀ everything goes wrong
忘卻之地逐漸崩壞的全部 ❀ everything goes wrong