Limen IMinimalist Work (Sustained Tone Branch)
Fourm FiveRebisus (Abstraxa Series 1-6)
Fourm FourRebisus (Abstraxa Series 1-6)
Fourm ThreeRebisus (Abstraxa Series 1-6)
Fourm TwoRebisus (Abstraxa Series 1-6)
Fourm OneRebisus (Abstraxa Series 1-6)
AscensionForms 2 - Earthmoves (Forms Series 1-3)
The GatewayForms 2 - Earthmoves (Forms Series 1-3)
The CruciformForms 2 - Earthmoves (Forms Series 1-3)
Ashen HaloForms 2 - Earthmoves (Forms Series 1-3)
The CipherForms 2 - Earthmoves (Forms Series 1-3)
Elixir of DeathForms 2 - Earthmoves (Forms Series 1-3)
Enemy TorporForms 2 - Earthmoves (Forms Series 1-3)
Elysian KnightsForms 2 - Earthmoves (Forms Series 1-3)
EarthmovesForms 2 - Earthmoves (Forms Series 1-3)
One SevenForms 3 - Controls, Sources & Treatments (Forms Series 1-3)
One SixForms 3 - Controls, Sources & Treatments (Forms Series 1-3)
DruneSulieo (Abstraxa Series 1-6)
GlaszSulieo (Abstraxa Series 1-6)
StassSulieo (Abstraxa Series 1-6)
NuteSulieo (Abstraxa Series 1-6)
BietsSulieo (Abstraxa Series 1-6)
ThroSulieo (Abstraxa Series 1-6)
Chime FiveChimeror (Abstraxa Series 1-6)