Gescharim - Affetuoso, tempo rubato (attacca)Tzvi Avni
Gescharim - con animaTzvi Avni
Gescharim - Allegretto scherzandoTzvi Avni
Apropos Klee - Rote FugeTzvi Avni
Apropos Klee - BenedictusTzvi Avni
Apropos Klee - Calypso (Insula Dulcamara)Tzvi Avni
Teh ship of hours - Ship of hours - Con motoTzvi Avni
The ship of hours - Stones of the ancient wall - ModeratoTzvi Avni
Apropos Klee - Die ZwitschermaschineTzvi Avni
The ship of hours - Arab village - PiacevoleTzvi Avni
The ship of hours - The final dance - AgitatoTzvi Avni