HexedRat Tat Tat
Come On!Rat Tat Tat
It Took the FirstDowned: A Singles Collection
Your Nose, My HeadDowned: A Singles Collection
You'll Never Be (As Good as That)Are You Building a Temple in Heaven?
A Toast to the QueenDowned: A Singles Collection
She Clicks the SticksAre You Building a Temple in Heaven?
The Captain Stood SturdyAre You Building a Temple in Heaven?
Boy Burning DownAre You Building a Temple in Heaven?
No Beads or RosariesRat Tat Tat
Sad Mustache MenDowned: A Singles Collection
She Can't Hide from RadiosDowned: A Singles Collection
Chump or Champ?Downed: A Singles Collection
She's Got the Akshun!Are You Building a Temple in Heaven?
Waiting on the GunsCrumble
StuckDowned: A Singles Collection
Demons and AvalanchesDowned: A Singles Collection
It's Still RainingAre You Building a Temple in Heaven?
The Halo Over Your HeadAre You Building a Temple in Heaven?
Those Mooney StarsCrumble
The Skills of the Star PilotCrumble
Oh GoodnessRat Tat Tat