Thomas Bauer的歌曲列表
Carmina Burana: No. 11, In Taberna, "Estuans interius"Orff: Carmina Burana (Cantiones profanae)
Carmina Burana: No. 13, In Taberna, "Ego sum abbas"Orff: Carmina Burana (Cantiones profanae)
Carmina Burana: No. 4, Primo Vere, "Omnia sol temperat"Orff: Carmina Burana (Cantiones profanae)
Carmina Burana: No. 16, Cours d'amours, "Dies, nox et omnia"Orff: Carmina Burana (Cantiones profanae)
Carmina Burana: No. 18, Cours d'amours, "Circa mea pectora"Orff: Carmina Burana (Cantiones profanae)
Carmina Burana: No. 19, Cours d'amours, "Si puer cum puellula"Orff: Carmina Burana (Cantiones profanae)
Carmina Burana: No. 22, Cours d'amours, "Tempus est iocundum"Orff: Carmina Burana (Cantiones profanae)
Un despertar for Voice and Piano (On Lyrics of Octavio Paz) (Live)New Piano & Chamber Music (Edition Ruhr Piano Festival, Vol. 20) (Live)
...und möchtet ihr an mich die Hände legen...: IV. Mein BildPeter Ruzicka: Ins Offene...
Acht Gesänge nach Fragmenten von Nietzsche: I. Die SonnePeter Ruzicka: Ins Offene...
Acht Gesänge nach Fragmenten von Nietzsche: II. SelbsthenkerPeter Ruzicka: Ins Offene...
Acht Gesänge nach Fragmenten von Nietzsche: VI. Hohl, HöhlePeter Ruzicka: Ins Offene...
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