Anne-Christine Wesser Ingels的歌曲列表
A vos vieg, chevalier sire / Et FlorebitVocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)
Nus ne mi pourroit / Nonne sui, nonne, laissier / AptaturVocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)
Joliement en douce / Quant voi la florete / Je sui joliete / AptaturVocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)