Orinoco Dreams(奥里诺科之梦)Bandari 20th Anniversary Collection
My song for you(为你写的歌)One Day in Spring(春野)
Caribbean Blue(加勒比海蓝)Moonlight Bay(月光水岸)
Moment Of Fantasy(白日梦)Silence With Sound From Nature(寂静山林)
Mountain stream(山林小溪)One Day in Spring(春野)
Into Red Velvet(红丝绒)Silence With Sound From Nature(寂静山林)
Sunset Glow(日落)Mist(迷雾森林)
Snow(静静的雪)Breezy Valley(微风山谷)
Endless Horizon(无垠地平线)Heaven Blue(蓝色天际)
The Foggy Dew(迷雾水珠)Bandari 20th Anniversary Collection
The Wind Of Change 变幻之风Wonderland(仙境)
Annie's Wonderland(安妮的仙境)Wonderland(仙境)
The Colours of Love(爱的顏色)Emerald Valley(翡翠谷)
Melody Of Love(真爱)Mist(迷雾森林)
Dreaming in the moonlight(梦于月光中)Breezy Valley(微风山谷)
Jupite(木星)Heaven Blue(蓝色天际)
New Morning(清晨)Mist(迷雾森林)
Clear Sky Over the Mountain(翻越山岭的晴朗天空)Emerald Valley(翡翠谷)
For your heart only(唯心所识)Breezy Valley(微风山谷)
Imagine(想象)Silence With Sound From Nature(寂静山林)
Moonglow(月光)Moonlight Bay(月光水岸)
Star Of Baghdad(巴格达之星)Wonderland(仙境)
The Sounds Of Silence(寂静之音)Silence With Sound From Nature(寂静山林)