Leo Marian Vodička
Amarus: II. Andante
Amarus: III. Moderato
Amarus: V. Epilog
Amarus: IV. Adagio
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, I. One day I met a Gypsy Girl. Andante
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, II. That black-eyed Gypsy. Con moto
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, III. Through the twilight glow-worms. Andante
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, V. Weary work is ploughing. Adagio
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, VI. Hej, there my tawny oxen. Allegro
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, XI. From the rip´ning cornfield. Con moto
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, XVIII. Nothing matters now
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, XII. Forest´s shady height /att./
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, VIII. Don´t look, my oxen. Andante
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, IV. Already swallows are. Andante /att./
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, XIX. See that thieving magpie. Andante
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, XXI. Father, how wrong you were. Meno mosso
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, XIV. See how high the sun is! Adagio
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, IX. Welcome, my handsome one
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, VII. I´ve got a loose axle. Con moto
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, XV. Now my tawny oxen. Allegro
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, XVI. What has come over me? Adagio
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, XX. Now she bears my child. Con moto
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, XVII. Who can escape his fate. Recitativo /att./
The Diary of One Who Disappeared for Tenor, Contralto, Three Female Voices and Piano on poetry by Ozef Kalda, XXII. Then farewell, dearest land. Andante
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