Karen Walwyn的歌曲列表
Three Rhapsodies for Piano: Playful with ExpressionDark Fires
Three Rhapsodies for Piano: SolemnDark Fires
Three Rhapsodies for Piano: Well MarkedDark Fires
Fragments from the surrounding eveningDark Fires
The Sonata for Trumpet and Piano: AllegroDark Fires, Vol. 2
The Sonata for Trumpet and Piano: AdagioDark Fires, Vol. 2
The Sonata for Trumpet and Piano: VivaceDark Fires, Vol. 2
Variations for TrumpetSpirit of the Trumpeter
Piano Sonata No. 1: Lento-VivaceDark Fires
Piano Sonata No. 1: NocturneDark Fires
Piano Sonata No. 1: ScherzoDark Fires
Piano Sonata No. 1: Allegro energicoDark Fires
ConcertoSpirit of the Trumpeter
Reflections on 9/11: The New and MarvelousReflections on 9/11
Reflections on 9/11: AnguishReflections on 9/11
Reflections on 9/11: That DayReflections on 9/11
Reflections on 9/11: MemoriesReflections on 9/11
Reflections on 9/11: AftermathReflections on 9/11
Reflections on 9/11: BurialReflections on 9/11
Reflections on 9/11: Unanswered QuestionReflections on 9/11
Sonata 1 for Piano: A Song - After Paul Lawrence DunbarDark Fires, Vol. 2
Sonata 1 for Piano: Black ArtDark Fires, Vol. 2
Sonata 1 for Piano: ColtraneDark Fires, Vol. 2
Variations on The Carnival of VeniceSpirit of the Trumpeter