Angel Gil-Ordonez
The Plow that Broke the Plains:Wind and Dust
The River:Coal
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act I: Danza del fin del día: Danza ritual del fuego (Dance of Day's End: Ritual Fire Dance)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act I: Introducción y escena (Introduction and First Scene)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act I: Canción del amor dolido (Song of a Broken Heart)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act I: Sortilegio (The Spell)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act I: Escena: El amor vulgar (Scene: Common Love)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act I: Romance del pescador (The Story of the Fisherman)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act I: Intermedio (Interval)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act II: Introducción: El fuego fatuo (Introduction: The Will-o'-the-Wisp)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act II: Escena: El terror (Scene: The Terror)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act II: Danza del fuego fatuo: Danza del terror (Dance of the Will-o'-the-Wisp: Dance of Terror)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act II: Interludio: Alucinaciones (Interlude: Hallucinations)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act II: Canción del fuego fatuo (Song of the Will-o'-the-Wisp)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act II: Conjuro para reconquistar el amor perdido (Spell to Reconquer Lost Love)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act II: Escena: El amor popular (Scene: Ordinary Love)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act II: Danza y canción de la bruja fingida: Danza y canción del juego de amor (Dance and Song of the False Witch: Dance and Song of the Game of Love)
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician) (1915 version):Act II: Final: Las campanas de amanecer (Finale: The Bells of Morning)
El retablo de Maese Pedro (Master Peter's Puppet Show):El pregón (The Proclamation) (Master Peter)
El retablo de Maese Pedro (Master Peter's Puppet Show):La sinfonía de Maese Pedro (Master Peter's Symphony) (Master Peter, The Boy)
El retablo de Maese Pedro (Master Peter's Puppet Show):Scene 1: La Corte de Carlo Magno (The Court of Charlemagne) (The Boy)
El retablo de Maese Pedro (Master Peter's Puppet Show):Scene 1: Entrada de Carlo Magno (Entry of Charlemagne) (The Boy)
El retablo de Maese Pedro (Master Peter's Puppet Show):Scene 2: Melisendra (The Boy, Don Quixote, Master Peter)
El retablo de Maese Pedro (Master Peter's Puppet Show):Scene 3: El suplicio del moro (The Moor's Reward) (The Boy)
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