Amar El Achab的歌曲列表
Behouak Elaâbt / Lehbib Eli AâchartouTrésors du Chaâbi algérois
El GoumriThe Chaabi of the Great Masters (Algeria)
Klâs 02The Chaabi of the Great Masters (Algeria)
Instikhbar mawwâlThe Chaabi of the Great Masters (Algeria)
Billah alek yâ râyahThe Chaabi of the Great Masters (Algeria)
Ishqî mâ hennaniThe Chaabi of the Great Masters (Algeria)
Ishqî wu ghrâmîThe Chaabi of the Great Masters (Algeria)
Insirâf al-husaynThe Chaabi of the Great Masters (Algeria)
Touchia sîkâThe Chaabi of the Great Masters (Algeria)
Insirâf raml al-mâyaThe Chaabi of the Great Masters (Algeria)
Istikhbar zîdânThe Chaabi of the Great Masters (Algeria)
Klâs 01The Chaabi of the Great Masters (Algeria)
Insirâf zîdânThe Chaabi of the Great Masters (Algeria)
Goulou YamnaThe Chaabi of the Great Masters (Algeria)