Nadezhda Dancheva的歌曲列表
Agnus DeiCompositions for Organ and for Voice with Organ
Christmas Spiritual Songs:No. 1, The Doors Opened in Front of MeCompositions for Organ and for Voice with Organ
Christmas Spiritual Songs:No. 3, How Ringing the Bell TrillsCompositions for Organ and for Voice with Organ
Christmas Spiritual Songs:No. 2, Around the EarthCompositions for Organ and for Voice with Organ
Christmas Spiritual Songs:No. 4, In the Dark CupolaCompositions for Organ and for Voice with Organ
Christmas Spiritual Songs:No. 5, AnnunciationCompositions for Organ and for Voice with Organ
Christmas Spiritual Songs:No. 6, In the Open FieldCompositions for Organ and for Voice with Organ
Christmas Spiritual Songs:No. 7, To Holy SpiritCompositions for Organ and for Voice with Organ