Conception of SinSavage or Grace
Apocalypse in TimeSavage or Grace
Compulsory ResignationSavage or Grace
Perpeptual DamnationSavage or Grace
The Enemy of My EnemyLegacy of Ashes
The Age of MurderSavage or Grace
Righteous IndignationsLegacy of Ashes
Legacy of AshesLegacy of Ashes
Spiritual ImmolationSavage or Grace
Herd of Damnation (Intro)Legacy of Ashes
Anatomy of a CatastropheLegacy of Ashes
The Sin of SodomyLegacy of Ashes
Into the Blind WorldLegacy of Ashes
The Hornet's NestLegacy of Ashes
The Living SacrificeLegacy of Ashes
Deformation of the Holy RealmDeformation of the Holy Realm
The Funeral MarchDeformation of the Holy Realm
Apostles of the WeakDeformation of the Holy Realm
Cross the StyxCross the Styx
Spiritual ImmolationCross the Styx
Compulsory ResignationCross the Styx
Putrefying RemainsCross the Styx
Perpetual DamnationCross the Styx
Epoch of DenialCross the Styx